Verb conjugation in tens of languages: Ukrainian, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, Latin, Spanish etc. Use this free web conjugation service as much as you need! More languages...
Introduction. Koyo is a language of the Bantu language family spoken in Cuvette Region, Owando District, around Owando, in Congo.
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Slovene: I.. Za vozom.. Francka ni zaspala dolgo v noč. Vse je bilo že tiho, nič se ni zgenilo v temi in skoro jo je bilo strah. Samo poredkoma je segel rezek glas iz noči — zaukal je fant na vasi, zapel je pesem, šel je zmerom dalje po klancu navzdol in pesem je umolknila, potopila se je v noč. Zalajal je pes pri štacunarju — začul je bil bogvekaj, šuštenje kostanja v bližini, praskanje miši v prodajalnici, fantovo pesem iz daljave, in vzdignil je glavo ter zavil z zategnjenim, cvilečim glasom, zacvilil še enkrat že v poluspanju in legel na plahto in zadremal....
Portuguese: Alice no País das Maravilhas. Lewis Carroll. Capítulo I Descendo a Toca do Coelho. Alice estava começando a ficar muito cansada de sentar -se ao lado de sua irmã no banco e de não ter nada para fazer: uma ou duas vezes havia espiado o livro que a irmã estava lendo, mas não havia imagens nem diálogos nele, " e para que serve um livro ", pensou Alice, " sem imagens nem diálogos ? ".
English: ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. Lewis Carroll. CHAPTER I Down the Rabbit-Hole. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?'.
Cognates are words that have a common etymological origin.
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Verbix is an independent non-profit organization that aims to promote and protect linguistic diversity. This site and the Verbix for Windows software support verb conjugation in hundreds of languages, ranging from national and international languages to regional and even extinct languages.
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Verb conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection. Principal parts is sometimes the infinitive like "cantar" in Spanish, but it can also be verb theme like "skriva - skrev -skrivit" in Swedish. Read more...